Just press that key combo when you want to see or hide hidden files and folders. is a toggle switch, so press it again and hidden items are hidden again. Hidden files and folders appear in Finder, not only in this folder, but in any folder you now visit. Go to the home folder on your Mac using Finder and then press Shift+Cmd+. The Library folder is just one hidden item and there are many more. Once the hidden Library folder is opened in Finder, everything is visible. It opens in Finder like a regular folder. The way to access it is to click the Go menu in Finder, hold down the Option key and then click Library.

Open your home folder and the Library folder is there, but it cannot be seen because macOS has hidden it. You might even have accessed it on occasions. The best-known hidden folder on the Apple Mac is the Library folder and it contains settings, preferences, caches, startup and login items, and much more for apps and the Mac’s operating system. For example, deleting the hidden cache or preferences file or folder for an app or macOS feature or service can fix faults by resetting things.

On the other hand, if there is a problem with macOS or an app, it can sometimes be useful to edit or delete hidden files. They might even prevent apps or macOS features from working. You do not normally need to access them and if they are deleted or changed, they can affect how macOS or apps work. Some of them are data files, settings files, configuration files, caches, and so on. They consist of files that macOS and apps don’t want you to see or access. You may not realize it, but there are already hundreds and possibly thousands of hidden files and folders on the Apple Mac’s disk.
#Pink funter free#
It is possible to hide and show files on the Apple Mac with a keyboard shortcut, but Funter is a free utility that is easier and more useful than the built-in macOS feature.